Our Maremmas

We are currently taking reservations for our 2019 litter. We had nine Maremma puppies this year, five males and four females. Contact me at amy@watermarkfarm.org to reserve your puppy.

DSC_6866Our dogs are Maremmas, a breed of Italian sheepdogs. These dogs were bred for centuries to guard livestock from predators. They are loyal, brave and independent. They bark at threats but only when necessary. They are loving and protective of family members but adept at keeping all types of predators away. They are large white dogs that weigh between 70-100 pounds full grown. They bond with their herd…goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, poultry and watch over them like guardian angels.

These domaiaandpups1gs require no training to do their job. They do it by instinct. They go through a teenage phase that can be frustrating where you may have to curb bad behaviors. We lost a few pairs of boots from our front porch but once that phase passed we have had no problems. Younger dogs that are raised around older dogs learn proper behavior more easily. They are fully mature at age 2. Since the arrival of our Maremmas we have not had predator problems. They keep everything away, including raccoons and possums from our poultry.
If you ask anyone who knows about Maremmas they will speak very highly of them. Here are just a few stories from our own experience. When our male and female dogs were not yet full grown they killed a coyote and left it in the field to show us. During our last kidding season a kid slipped between the boards into the next stall and was separated from its mother. Maia jumped the stall and was standing in over it, guarding it until we came to the barn to check on them. Maia also rescued a goat kid that had fallen in a water trough and surely would have died. These dogs are amazing and they give us peace of mind.2016-05-18 18.14.30

Our dogs are purebreds and are registered with the Maremma Sheepdog Club of America. Papers and pedigree are available upon request. The last litter was whelped on April 7th and we are currently taking reservations. Our dogs are excellent guardians and would make a great addition to any farm.

For more information or to reserve a puppy please email us at amy@watermarkfarm.org



2 thoughts on “Our Maremmas

  1. Amy-
    We are so lucky to of found your farm and Aries- He is the best addition to the farm in a long time! The first few nights we had him home we had him in the barn just getting used to the smells and sounds of his new home. He settled in great and loved Ethan and I and our kids as well. He would slowly flop his big tail every time we would come around. After the first night we could no longer easily get him to go back into the barn. It took us a second to figure out what was going on but soon realized he wanted to work- he wanted to be in the fields with the animals! And now he is!! He is in with the hens and doing great. At first he didn’t realize it was ok for them to come out of the coop and carefully kept pushing them back in. We simply threw scratch around to get them all out and stood there and pat his head a few times- after 2 little scratch throwing instructionals he got the hint!
    This was our first LGD and I am so lucky that we found you and Aries- The upbringing and exposure you gave him got him off to a great start
    All the best!

  2. Dave and Amy,

    What ADORABLE puppies – We are sure the girls love them! What fun at Christmas! Have a beautiful “white” Christmas to a very special family.

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