Welcome to our farm


Our home is in the beautiful mountains of Milam, West Virginia, the perfect combination of fields, forest, and water which gives our farm its name. The South Fork Valley is beautiful in all seasons and we are blessed to be able to call this place home.

LeoSix Maremmas are the livestock guardians of our farm, they are the perfect protectors. Maia, Orion, Luna, Leo, Arya and Apollo have fended off all predators since their arrival and they are gentle with our two young daughters. They watch over our goats, chickens and pigs keeping bears, coyotes, raccoons and all other predators away.

Puppy information and photos are here!

We are pursuing our dream of farming and living more sustainably. As part of that goal we are working to stock our farm with heritage breeds to preserve genetic diversity and our farming legacy. We are combining our love of nature and life to produce quality farm products and look forward to growing our farm in the coming years.Cat and Arya

Contact us at amy@new.watermarkfarm.com for more information.

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